Categories: General
      Date: May  5, 2017
     Title: What's New in 2017

Personal Notes from Xiaoping

New Course Schedule

Scouts, Girl Guides, School Groups

Personal Notes from Xiaoping

In the past three years I have been a stay-at-home dad for my two children, except the days I instruct climbing.  Now they are attending preschool programs to get ready for kindergarten this September.  Their full-days with me will be weekends only for many school years to come.  I have therefore decided to avail myself to instruct climbing only one day per weekend. This leads to certain changes described below in "New Course Schedule".

Parenting is hard work and often enjoyable and a mostly rewarding experience. I look forward to doing my best to provide an enjoyable and rewarding climbing experience to parents and kids in 2017!

New Course Schedule

Introductory courses will be regularly offered on Saturdays.  They include: Introductory Outdoor Rock Climbing, Cliff Rappel, Cliff Rappel and Ascend, Introductory Rock Climbing and Rappelling.

Intermediate and advanced courses will be regularly offered on Sundays. They include: Gym to Crag: Top Rope Anchor Setting and Climbing, Advanced Top Rope Anchor Setting and RappellingSport Lead Climbing and RappellingTraditional Lead ClimbingMulti-pitch Climbing TechniquesImprovised Self Rock Rescue

All courses will continute to be offered on as-needed basis, while those attending regularly scheduled courses will be rewarded with incentives.

These changes will be implemented in the coming days.

Scouts, Girl Guides, School Groups

Our climbing and rappelling program for Scouts Canada has made it possible for many kids experience this adventure at relatively low cost.  We have decided to offer the climbing acitivity only to Girl Guides and school groups at the low cost to them to enable many more kids to experience this adventure! For details, see Youth Groups